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Rules of Governance for Howard H. Steel Assembly on Pediatric SCI\D (Steel)


  • To advance best practice in pediatric spinal cord injury and dysfunction (SCI\D) across
  • the globe
  • To exchange and disseminate knowledge, education, and research to professionals and
  • those affected by pediatric SCI\D.


  • Provide Howard H. Steel Conferences on Pediatric SCI\D.
  • Provide educational offerings in conjunction with other educational events, and using methods that are responsive to the needs of the field.
  • Identify gaps in knowledge and priorities for research in pediatric SCI\D

Governance Board

  1. Steel Governance will be the voting members of the Steel Assembly.
  2. Governance Board will consist of the chairperson, and a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 content experts in pediatric SCI\D, and one lay person.
  3. Reappointment to the Governance Board shall occur every two years by majority vote.
  4. Existing board members can recommend appointments to the governance board.
  5. The chairperson will be appointed every two years by majority vote.
  6. Members of governance will not be paid for his or her time for serving on the board.
  7. A majority vote is required for approval of motioned items.


  1. Professionals with expertise or interest in pediatric and adult spinal cord injury and dysfunction, and who are interested in advancing the strategic initiatives of the Steel Assembly will constitute membership.
  2. There will be no cost for Steel membership for ASIA members in good standing (dues are paid). Those who are not ASIA members or who are not in good standing with ASIA will pay a membership fee.
  3. Steel members who are not on the Governance Board will be non-voting.
  4. Membership is required to participate in Steel Assembly work groups. Steel Governance can approve participation of a non-ASIA and non-Steel member who has content expertise needed for workgroup success.
  5. Steel members will not be paid for time associated with any participation in Steel Activities.

Friends of Steel

  1. Individuals or organizations who are not members of Steel and who make a financial contribution to Steel Assembly.
  2. Friends of Steel will be recognized on Steel Assembly website, if desired.
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